Monday, September 4, 2017

Molly and Todd on Monday

 Molly here,

    We have been kind of feeling kind of under the weather... . or at least BG is.  He seems to have a cold and it has settled to his lungs..  And his chair had to be fixed so that was a problem.  Fortunately he had a company when it purchased it.  Rediker furniture had a man to fix it..B G made us sit in the porch so I could not bother them.  But they came and helped me move the other chair out of the way so BG can sit in his chair again.  Brandon is going to remount chair and move the other one out.  You can see we still have a mess.


In other news we got our monthly bouquet.  It is pretty.  When BG went out to pick them up he watched as the Flower Shop Cat came out and hid under his car.  So they had to get it to come back in so he could drive home without running over the cat.

Here is Todd giving me a kiss.  He is sweet.
Nap time!

Then Todd tried to eat BG's fingers.

Then we posed for our facebook picture.

 There is a picture of me on the couch.
 Another nap!

Here is one of the spots where Todd likes to nap.  You just can see his eye reflecting and the red rabies tag.

BG can always find him there....or by the book shelf, or in his kennel or under the couch...or he comes to BG for scratching. And so that is about it.

I hope you have a good week.  Jon and Liz are going to soon.  We are glad they we come to see us.

Thanks for stopping to see us.  Be good and remember to smell the flowers.

1 comment:

Ur-spo said...

Oh but my Monday is not complete without stopping by to hear from Molly and pals.